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Asthma, Air Pollution and Air Purifiers

What is Asthma?

According to the NHS, “asthma is a common lung condition that causes occasional breathing difficulties.” It affects millions of people worldwide and is the most common chronic disease among children.

Can poor air quality cause asthma symptoms?

Low air quality can trigger asthma symptoms, with chemicals, dust mites, pollen, mould and pet dander typical pollutants found in the air. This is particularly true of indoor air, with the average person in western Europe spending 90% of their day indoors, breathing in air which is often up to five times more polluted than outdoor air. According to the BMJ, 90% of world population breathes air that exceeds WHO targets on particulate matter, highlighting the huge scale of the issue.

Do indoor air purifiers help with asthma?

In short, yes. Indoor air purifiers can be an effective tool in reducing asthma symptoms. They use filters to trap pollutants such as dust, pollen, and pet dander, as well as harmful chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), removing them from the air we breathe. By reducing air pollution, air purifiers create a healthier environment for asthma sufferers, reducing the risk of asthma attacks, allowing them to focus on the day ahead.

What type of air purifier is best for asthma?

When choosing an air purifier for asthma, it is important to select a model that uses a HEPA filter. HEPA filters are designed to capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, which is small enough to capture most pollutants and allergens. Thankfully, Fellowes AeraMax Pro commercial grade air purifiers remove 99.95% of particles as small as 0.1 microns, effectively protecting you from the smallest pollutants.

Where should I place my indoor air purifier?

It is important to choose an air purifier that is appropriate for the size of the room where it will be used. We recommend using a Fellowes air purifier with a recommended room size larger than the room you’re hoping to purify.

Once you’ve chosen your air purifier, you want to place it near the centre of the room and relatively close to a window, as this is where more outdoor air pollution enters the environment. Although indoor air is typically more polluted, outdoor air can be a major trigger for asthma symptoms and it can be difficult to avoid, especially in urban areas.

Air purifiers and asthma

In conclusion, air purifiers can be an effective tool in reducing asthma symptoms. By removing pollutants and allergens from the air, air purifiers can help to reduce the risk of asthma attacks and improve overall respiratory health. When selecting an air purifier for asthma, it is important to choose a model with a HEPA filter and appropriate for the room size. With the right air purifier, those who suffer from asthma can breathe easier and enjoy a better quality of life.